“Jeu” (Game)* : “A pastime governed by a set of agreed rules, featuring one or more winner(s) and loser(s), and in which physical and/or  intellectual skill and/or dexterity and/or chance play a part; physical or intellectual activity with no utilitarian goal in which one takes part to entertain oneself; the action(s) or attitude(s) of someone who acts foolishly, who lets whim or fancy dictate his or her conduct; (…) ; the way in which someone uses something, especially his or her own physical strength, to accomplish something;
– The normal functioning of a mechanism or organ (…).”

These translated definitions of the French word “jeu” (game) all also seem to apply to what happens when two people meet. Clément Dazin and Chinatsu Kosakatani explore the different “jeux” or games that may play a part in the relationship between a man and a woman. Three phases emerge and are expressed through the dancers’ bodies, eyes, and rhythm.

Conception, performance Clément Dazin & Chinatsu Kosakatani
Choreographic contributions Bruno Dizien & Christina Santucci

Producer Les Migrateurs, Préfiguration du Pôle National des Arts du Cirque-Alsace
Coproducers SACD-Festival d’Avignon, Pôle Sud Centre de Développement Chorégraphique (Strasbourg) ), Les Migrateurs, Espace athic Préfiguration du Pôle National des Arts du Cirque-Alsace, Ville de Strasbourg
Residencies Centre chorégraphique national de Roubaix, Le Gymnase, Studio Bartkowski, Studio 28, La Maison des Jonglages, Cie Ahimsa
Special thanks to Waldemar Bartkowski