Cosmos is a solo performance resulting from the collaboration between Clément Dazin and Ashtar Muallem, a contortionist and aerial acrobat dancer. Clément Dazin invites Ashtar to express her own exploration in an emotional and humorous show, depicting multiple attempts to find spirituality and the energy that connects our emotions to our bodies. They take the audience on a journey through intimate relationships with their spiritual practices and resurface existential questioning of a city-dwelling woman in her thirties, with the aid of the body and dance.
From sacred to profane, the engaged and elastic body spirals into extraordinary dimensions, prompting the audience to ponder whimsical thoughts and revealing the paradoxes present in Ashtar’s being in a sensitive and touching manner. Her self-deprecation, weaving between memories and fiction, blurs the lines between what is real and what is invented: the confusion begins…
Taking inspiration from her grandmother’s memories, this solo gradually transitions into an invitation to a clownesque and collective ceremony !